Monday, May 19, 2008


Mail collection for some users.

We are currently working around a poorly timed drive expiry - some users may be experiencing an issue with mail collection. We are aware of this. No inbound mail is being lost, however you will currently be unable to get to it until we have repaired the drive; this includes the webmail facility. For the users this involves the data has been set read only to prevent damage to the inboxes. We will update you as soon as we are able.
[Update 0934]
We have recovered the data, and are brining live mail collection within the next five minutes. Inbound mail will be live hopefully within the next 20 minutes. Differences between restores and live will hopefully be bought up to speed within the hour.
[update 1030]
The inboxes will commence updates from inbound mail now. You may still find historical mail arriving in an odd order for the time being as retries are serviced.
[update 1147]
Users who had PROCMAIL configurations will now find that these are functioning again.

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