Thursday, May 17, 2007


210 update and upgrade

If you have a site that was listed on 210 (as stated in the list domains table) - you will find that you have a new home. These sites have been upgraded and migrated to the Netserve primary cluster. Users would do well to check their site functionality although we expect no issues, please do ensure you note that your FTP details will have changed, please check these using the control panel.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Mail relay

We have temporarily taken the relay server off line while we deal with a spam issue.

[Update Wed 16 May 10:44]

An attack was dealt with, and for the period of dealing with the huge influx service was degraded to the point of denial. Faced with this we took the service offline to deal with the issue.

The service is back and fully operational as of 1040 and the source has been dealt with.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Secure gateway

After a series of updates, our ProSSL server is back up and running. This includes the the payment gateway.

Users who had previously encountered issues placing payments should find that the payment gateway now fully functional.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


DNS issues - Saturday evening.

We are currently experiencing multiple repeated failures of our DNS front end system. While we are trying to keep the service up as much as possible, we are aware there are going to be perceived outages.

Every effort is being made to maintain service, however we are increasingly aware that this maybe due to malicious intent, and are looking into this currently. If you have a support query regarding DNS or lack of resolution, hold fire, and we will update this as often as we are able.

In overview a lack of name resolution for a number of the 64,000 domains we host is currently occurring.

[Update 14th May 12:30]

The issue has been dealt with before the close of Saturday. The secondary name server has been shut down, and a new one built configured and deployed.

This event bought to our attention that an older DNS server that many users have used on their DNS records was no longer valid. This has also been dealt with.

If you are still experiencing issues now, drop us a support mail to support, mails regarding issues over this period will not be prioritised so we are better able to address current and outstanding issues.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Online payments

We are currently experiencing some issues with out payment gateway people. We have contacted them, and are awaiting some feedback. If in doubt, these do appear to be outright failures, and are reporting to us as such, so no funds transfers are going on, please do try again later.

The enlightening failures go something along the lines of :-

The system could not authenticate your payment due to the Payment Gateway being erroneous
The system has informed us of this problem which will be fixed shortly. Please check back and try again later. If If this problem remains for more than 24 hours, please contact customer services for manual payment. NOTE VISA DELTA CARDS - If you are using a Visa Delta Card, please select Visa from the card type menu


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